miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Un Propósito para Navidad

En el 2008 algunos recordarán que a la vuelta del viaje a Namibia nos enfrascamos en la loca idea de ayudar a una asociación que conocimos allí, formada por namibios y que con muy poco hacía grandes cosas, sobretodo para luchar contra la apatía y contra el "es imposoble hacer nada por los demas". Sacudimos conciencias y bolsillos, sobre todo de amigos, claro y la cosa salio tan bien que además de crear la fábrica de bloques, se pudo comprar un coche que mas tarde se dio de alta como taxi, y durante dos años ha generado mas ingresos que el total de la ayuda que se envió en 2008.

Pues bien, ese cohe es el de la fotografía, un accidente lo tiene parado, y no disponen de dinero para arreglarlo, los ingresos del taxi pagaban el agua y la luz de la escuela y la guardería, hace varios correos Edward me contaba que les cortaron el suministro, en fin mil reproche y mil justificaciones nos pueden permitir mirar a otro lado, pero si quieres y puedes ayudar a esta gente real, al final de la carta están los datos.

Último correo de Edward Amadila, 9/12/2010 02:51 am.

Dear friends of Tov

Greetings from Tsumeb.

We are aware some of you will be in the office until the end of this week and before you hit the ground running,we want to appeal to you to donation to Tov.

We fully understand it is difficult times for most economies and we also understand it is exciting time to donate for Christmas.We are aware that most people in the world give during this time,I wish us
Namibian will learn from our communities.We jsut hearing form our people Tov is doing well,Tov will even do good through your donation.

We have some ideas how you can donate to Tov:invite 4 friends for a meal and let them donate for example each N$ 50 towards the meal that will your donation of N$200. Or ask for example 4 friends to invite for example 4 people to the dinner and ask each of his friends to donate N$50 which is N$200 if 5 of your friends do it is N$1000 to Tov.

Ask 5 friends to bring their car to you and they will pay your each for example N$100 to clean their car,that is N$500 to tell them you want to donate to your charity.Go with a cup to the shopping mall and ask people to donate to your charity .

Tell friends you will be walking for 5 km or ride a bike for 10 km to raise funds for your charity and they must sponsor you. Please especially Namibians we need to learn to do something to benefit others.

We still need maize seeds,food for our dogs at the farm,fruit trees,donkeys and so on.

Here is our banking details:

Tov Educational Fund
Account #62096229804
Branch code 280-873
Switch code:FIRNNANX
First National Bank Tsumeb
P.O.Box 251
Main Street,Tsumeb

We are looking forward to hear from you.

Rev.Edward Amadhila
Project Manager
Tov Multipurpose Center